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Pink Sky

Self Heal

Center yourself.

Take a long, deep breath and let it out slowly.

Allow your breathing to become full and deeply relaxed.

Allow your rational mind to have a rest and you will be more open to your unconscious mind.

Now, bring your awareness to the soles of your feet where you have orange spirals. These spirals are your connections to Gaia, our Mother Earth.

Through these spirals, go all the way down to the center of our Earth and connect to Her energy.

When you feel the connection, raise this energy all the way up to the center of the chakras (energy wheels) in the soles of your feet.

Now, raise this energy to the root chakra at the base of your spine.

Here, ask this energy of the Body to awaken and raise it to the front and back of the second center, the sexuality chakra in the pelvis.

Here, ask the energy of the Soul to awaken and raise it to the front and back of the third energy center, the solar plexus chakra in the middle of the abdomen. 

Now, raise this energy to the front and back of the fourth energy center, the heart chakra in the center of the chest. 

Now, raise this energy to the front and back of the fifth energy center, the throat chakra.

Now, raise this energy to the double energy centers at the base of the skull chakra.

Here, awaken the energy of the Spirit, and fuse it with the energy of the Body and the Soul.

Now, raise this energy to the double energy centers in the mouth chakra.

Now, raise this energy to the double energy centers in the sixth chakra, the third eye in the center of the forehead.

Now, raise this energy to the double energy centers in the top of the forehead.

Now, raise this energy to the seventh energy center, the crown chakra, at the top of the head.

Now that you are filled with Divine Energy, direct this energy by intention to all your thousands of minor and major chakras and heal them.

Next, direct your intention to heal all of your organs and bring all your subtle bodies into perfect health.

Next, direct your intention to all of your subtle bodies and awaken all of your powers, talents and potentials and allow them to have a positive impact on your life.

Trusting that you will stay fused with the Oneness, you may open your eyes whenever you wish.

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