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Become a Member
30USDEvery monthHonor the peace, love, and lightÂ- Participate in our weekly and monthly meditation circles
- Participate in our annual fundraise concert
- Participate in our events
Sponsor a Mamo
100USDEvery monthHelp their family achieve sovereigntyÂ- Become a member +
- One personal call from a representative per month
- Updates about their living conditions
Please also consider additional contributions to call special attention to:
A newborn's birth
A student's graduation
A birthday, wedding, or anniversary celebration
A loved one or friend's recovery from illness
Honoring the memory of a partner or loved one
Honoring a departed pet
Endangered species
Indigenous peoples
Children worldwide
Persons living with incurable diseases
Victims of natural disasters and war
Refugee populations worldwide
Other intentions of your own
To join our Foundation, please select one of the following:
Additional Family Member......................$10.
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