Full Moon Global Meditation
Just as our true selves seem to be hidden behind the limits of our mind, the cultural beliefs we cling to, and the temporary ups and downs of every day... ALL can be shifted. For centuries, the full moon has been a time revered by the wisdom of the Ancients, as a lighting of the way towards grander connection with Mother Earth and Divine Source. Energies during this MOON'S LIGHT wait for us to call upon her for her loving, compassionate, wise, healing and transforming gifts.
Join Cosmic Comic Swami Beyondananda in a Laugh-Filled “Fun-Raiser” for the Global Healing Foundation
Sunday, February 20th 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT
“If we don’t laugh together, we will surely cry separately.”
-- Swami Beyondananda
In these serious times – where there’s definitely something funny going on – laughter keeps us sane. Thanks to the magic of Zoom, cosmic comic Swami Beyondananda will appear virtually everywhere on Sunday, February 20th to help you wake up laughing and leave laughter in your wake. This laugh-filled show will be a benefit for the Global Healing Foundation, and a number of good causes, including … ‘cause it’s really good to laugh!